Sunday, July 5, 2015

Ever Brighter, Ever Higher, Ever On

What is Ever Brighter, Ever Higher, Ever On?  I’ve been asked this question a few times since publishing the slogan for this and all future Roxanne Adams Memorial Blood Drives.   It is a question both difficult and simple to explain.  I wanted a slogan that was catchy and one that flowed off the tongue, one that would stick in the memory and lift the spirits.  But mostly, I wanted something that would speak for Roxanne’s memory and her legacy.
While considering a wealth of possibilities, I was reminded of the doves that were released at her funeral and of that one stubborn little dove that refused to join the flock as it was supposed to and fly off to the home roost.  Instead that wilful, stubborn, beautiful  little bird kept flying around and around the cemetery going higher and higher as it went.     On that clear, bright spring day that little dove was playing in the warm sunshine and enjoying its freedom.  I later thought about how the dove was supposed to represent Roxanne’s spirit and it made me laugh.
Roxanne and I had many battles of will in her lifetime.  She usually won.  I used to jokingly tell her that she could argue with God and get Him to change His mind.  She was determined not to conform to the world around her just because someone told her it was expected.  No, the world would just have to conform to her, as far she was concerned.   It was a true representation of her indomitable spirit and her relentless drive to make the world a better place.
The last year of her life was a constant uphill battle for Roxanne and many times she was broken under the weight of it all.  I can’t count the nights that I held her as she cried in pain and frustration. But every morning she woke with the determination that she was NOT going to be beaten.  I miss my daughter, but knowing she is free now is a comfort for me.  The image of that little dove flying around in such an ecstasy of freedom reminds me of that.
Roxanne is gone now and we miss her so much, but her spirit and her legacy will be with us forever.  And like that little dove, her legacy will continue to grow brighter every year as we, her family and friends, carry her light into the world.  (Ever Brighter)  Like that little dove, we will continue to fly in freedom with her, casting off our mourning and instead joyously celebrate her life and her dreams. (Ever Higher) We will never forget her and through our efforts to continue the work she began, lives will be saved and from those saved lives, new lives will be born.  (Ever On)
Fly on my precious angel.  Kisses to Heaven.

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